Bitter thought of the week

I hate it when people make me hesitate before drenching them with a rain puddle.

It makes me bitter when people make me hesitate before drenching them with a rain puddle.

You want to know what makes me so bitter? When it is raining down so hard that there are huge puddles on the street next to the sidewalk.  I am just about to go medievel on one when I see a person walking on the sidewalk and it makes me hesitate…before I drench them.

10 thoughts on “Bitter thought of the week

  1. I with your friend. I am definitely jealous that you got to do it and not me. I’m sorry you felt guilty. I definitely would have had a good laugh at that one after I got bitter at them for making me hesitate….


  2. :p I did that once in college to three girls dressed to the nines. I felt really bad because I couldn’t avoid it, but my friend assured me they were bitches and it wasn’t until later that I thought maybe she was just mad jealous.


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