A/B itter Testing BFG’s

When I was young, I had a really diverse palate. I ate mushed up peas, carrots, bananas and even apples. My mom fooled me into believing that they tasted good by using a deceptive trick she called airplane mode. She would maneuver a spoonful of yucky tasting crushed up carrots in an airplane motion to … Continue reading A/B itter Testing BFG’s

Playing in the Sandbox BFG’s

One of my first memories was when I 5 years old. My mom gave me and my younger brother some Superman and Batman pajamas. We were so excited about our PJ's that we decided to start fighting crime right away. This was back in the late 70's, where parents let their kids roam freely, but … Continue reading Playing in the Sandbox BFG’s

There’s something in your Feed Bitterness

It has been an egg-cellent couple of months. Please DO NOT confuse egg-cellent with excellent. The last few months have been horrific because as you know, there has been a giant increase in the price of eggs. Since I'm not a vegetarian or vegan and I don't have bad taste, I eat a lot of … Continue reading There’s something in your Feed Bitterness

AI Got Played BFG’s

I'm not good at a lot of things, but I am a master manipulator. Not so much people, but words. My craft is about placing a letter here, a word there, and misdirect over there, and all of a sudden people are crying, mobs are raging, and everyone is becoming more bitter. I like to … Continue reading AI Got Played BFG’s

Slightly Off Balance Bitterness

I have no balance in my life, and it's my right leg's fault. When I was in junior high, whenever I wanted to participate in a sport, I had to get the yearly physical. Junior high was already the worst and most embarrassing and humiliating part of my life. The physical was just the cherry … Continue reading Slightly Off Balance Bitterness

Center of the Universe

Thanks to a lot of cartoons I watched when I was young, I know way more about the universe than scientists. I learned from highly literary sources such as He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Transformers, and of course, the Superfriends. I learned that there is definitely intelligent life out there and it isn't … Continue reading Center of the Universe