Bananas Bitter Friday Giftures

Remember when I talked about us living in a simulation a little while ago? Probably not, because you don't really think about my posts after you read them. Living in a simulation doesn't really make sense right? But then you watched the Matrix and you started to believe. One of the ways the Matrix taught … Continue reading Bananas Bitter Friday Giftures

Streamer Bitter Friday Giftures

When I was 22, I had the energy to work a full day, come home, play a sport, and then after that go out and enjoy some time with friends and then come home and stay up until 4 am. I never did any of those things, but I had the energy to do those … Continue reading Streamer Bitter Friday Giftures

Stealth Arts Bitter Friday Giftures

Besides the candy part, I've never been a big fan of Halloween. The part I like least is the dressing up. If I was good at making and wearing costumes, I could be making big bucks doing cosplay and going to conventions like Comic-con, or PAX. Maybe it's the fact that wearing uncomfortable, hot, sweaty … Continue reading Stealth Arts Bitter Friday Giftures

Difficulty Settings Bitter Friday Giftures

I used to be young. When I was that, I used to be really good at video games. There was this Mega Man game that I played once and really liked it and when screenshots of Mega Man 2 came out, I was just floored. At the time, they were bleeding edge graphics and I … Continue reading Difficulty Settings Bitter Friday Giftures