51 Reasons I’m Bitter

Since we just had solar eclipse, it's relevant that I celebrate my 51st rotation around the sun by listing my 51 reasons why you or I should be Bitter. Lists - They are long and tedious and take a lot of time. The only one that doesn't is this one. Nerolinks - Better than hyperlinks, … Continue reading 51 Reasons I’m Bitter

Solving the National Debt BFG’s

I'm not known as a problem solver. In fact, the only instance there is on the books of me solving problems is when my wife wants to vent. As you know, women don't want you to solve their problems, they just want you to listen. She was trying to tell me that, but I was … Continue reading Solving the National Debt BFG’s

The Brinch who Stole Christmas…Vacation

Hello all. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to doing posts around Christmas, but I'm really good at reposting some classics. So I hope you enjoy. And Bitter Christmas to you all. He is as green as Eggs and Ham.  He is as green as the Redwood Forest.  He is as green as the Hulk … Continue reading The Brinch who Stole Christmas…Vacation

Logging In As a New Character BFG’s

I've been simultaneously listening and watching the movie Ready Player One a lot in the last month. A lot of fans of the book hated the movie, because they are wildly different. I was lucky enough to have seen the movie first and the read the book, so the movie didn't taint my feelings of … Continue reading Logging In As a New Character BFG’s

Rotational BFG’s

I've heard of some people that have lived in the same place, and the same home all their lives. I don't know if I can even comprehend that kind of situation, because I've been a nomad all my life. In chronological order, I've lived in California, New York, South Dakota, Idaho, 8 different locations in … Continue reading Rotational BFG’s

Chyron’s and Ticker’s and HUD’s BFG’s

There are two different kinds of people in the world. The ones that thrive being around other people, and the ones that thrive being around not people. If left to my own devices (ie computer devices), I could go months before needing human contact. As long as I have a couch, a TV, and some … Continue reading Chyron’s and Ticker’s and HUD’s BFG’s

Living Rent-Free Bitterness

I've had a dream since I was a young bitterling. Not the type of dream most of you have, like traveling, becoming famous or writing a novel. Actually, I do have the novel dream, and the getting rich part of the rich and famous, but one dream has always stood above all. The reason I … Continue reading Living Rent-Free Bitterness

Late to the Party Bitter Friday Giftures

One time when I was in college, I was so distraught by a girl breaking up with me, that I slept in until 4 pm. It was the oddest sensation I'd ever felt. When I woke up, I went to the campus bookstore, and it was already closed for the day. People had already woken … Continue reading Late to the Party Bitter Friday Giftures

Pizza Me Bitter Friday Giftures

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I had made the most awkward transition of my life from elementary school to junior high. It was the first day of 7th Grade English, and my teacher asked us all to do my least favorite thing ever. The thing an anxiety ridden, shy, introverted, new-to-junior-high kid … Continue reading Pizza Me Bitter Friday Giftures

Categorical Failure Bitterness

Back in high school, I was assigned to do a group presentation about something boring to our class. It was a bunch of really boring facts, where most of the groups just stood up, and presented the facts the same old way. I didn't like boring, so I asked everyone in the group if we … Continue reading Categorical Failure Bitterness

Talent Show Bitterness

When I was younger and family reunions were still a thing, we used to go to exotic locations like California, Arizona, or Utah to visit old people. Every time, I would get comments like, "My, how you've grown," or "Why does he always have a scowl on his face?" Then really ancient relatives wouldn't show … Continue reading Talent Show Bitterness

Filling in the Plot Holes BFG’s

The weather people in Utah spent all last summer moaning and complaining about the apocalyptical drought we were going through. They warned us to stop watering our lawns and demanded that we stop drinking unless we were on drop from dying of dehydration. We were assured if we brushed our teeth and let the water … Continue reading Filling in the Plot Holes BFG’s

The Bitter Corruption Industry

Ten years ago, I was living in Seattle at the peak of my misery. If you've lived in Seattle, you know there is only two seasons. One lasts 11 and a half months and it's cloudy, cold, rainy, wet and windy. The other two weeks, the sun vacationed in Seattle, but it was only for … Continue reading The Bitter Corruption Industry