Failing Vision Bitter Friday Giftures

I'm pretty bitter about my vision. You see, from about my sophomore year in high school until I was 33, I wore glasses. I tried contacts once, but I wasn't a fan of sticking things in my eye and lost the desire for them really fast. Then, as a gift for me living and taking … Continue reading Failing Vision Bitter Friday Giftures

Cancellation Bitterness

When I was growing up, I watched a lot of TV. My favorite cartoon was Transformers, but I watched a lot of different show. I would always get really excited about some and then in the summer, I would recognize that they would start showing reruns of the shows I already watched, and I would … Continue reading Cancellation Bitterness

5G Bitter Friday Giftures

There was a story in the news yesterday and today about a person who won $26 million in lottery. That would be a happy day right? Most of the time, yes. Unfortunately, there was a tiny little problem. The winner didn't turn in the ticket...and then didn't turn in the ticket...and then forgot to turn … Continue reading 5G Bitter Friday Giftures