Bitter Memes from a Bunch of Weirdo’s (Yeah, you people)


A couple of weeks ago, or a week ago, (I don’t remember. Do I look like I’m good at the passage of time?), I put a call out to all the people who follow this blog and told them to make memes for me or something. And the response was so underwhelming. I mean come on people, there are like 8000 followers on here and only like 10 or 15 people responded. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I really should send you all out to the woodshed for the pathetic effort you put forth.

However, I think it would be more of a punishment to actually put the memes that people did send in and link to their blogs so you can make fun of them just like I did when they sent them in. I would actually put all 7885 on blast for not sending something in, but I’m too lazy to link you up to all of them. So I will task the rest of you to do that. So, followers, go make fun of other followers for me, so I can just sit here and see you make fun of each other. In the meantime, here are some memes from the actual people that weren’t so lazy as to send one in.

From Jim Flanigan


Jim, I just wanted to thank you so much for bringing politics up again. Because we all needed a reminder of the disaster we just went through a month and a half ago, and in another month, what we will all be disastering.

From Aurora of Authentically Aurora

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Ahh, one of my favorite things to be bitter about. Thanks Aurora for reminding me of what I was bitter about in August and again what I will have to start looking for now that school has kicked me out again. A job. UGGHHHHHHH.

From Joelle from Two on a Rant:




She decided to remind of how much cats annoy me. But then again so does every other kind of animal, but most of all the human animal. Ughh, we are the worst.

From Larry Cress at Middle Aged Schmo


Reminds of me of how dogs can be just as creepy as cats, and their loyalty, usually attributed as one of their best traits, which I find kind of well, suckerish. IE, follow my blog loyally and blindly for years and maybe you will get hundreds of new followers and riches. Or maybe not.


Herman of














And Herman reminded me that uhh, well, he reminds me that some of us have a light side, some of us a dark side, a few of us a bitter side, and maybe only he and Gary Larsen have what we call the Far Side. (Like WAAAY Far out.)

Holly from A Heart A Fire:








Well, she forgot to check her spelling or grammar, and tried to make me go and fix it, but little did she know that I don’t edit my owen things, so how could she expecta me to fix fix her bad side?

So there you have it. The social experiment I came up with to allow suckers, uh followers to make my content for me, so I don’t have to. And it worked like a charm, except it wasn’t so charming, but then, neither am I.  All this so some people could be featured on a blog they thought would help them in some way.




49 thoughts on “Bitter Memes from a Bunch of Weirdo’s (Yeah, you people)

  1. Pingback: Bitter Memes from a Bunch of Weirdo’s (Yeah, you people) — Ben’s Bitter Blog | mystyle

  2. Good luck on the job stuff! My advice is this:

    Most people go into a new job putting their best foot forward in an effort to impress. This is a mistake. Sets the bar way too high. You gotta start off giving a minimal effort – just enough to get by. If need be, you can then increase your effort by incremental amounts, thus demonstrating improvement to the higher ups.

    It’s the bitterest way of work life.


  3. Thanks for sharing my stupidity with your readers. And even though I am one of the few who submitted anything, I am still ashamed of myself. See you in the woodshed, just like every Wednesday afternoon.


  4. Ben- I enjoyed your commentary which proved you bring the bitter 24-7. I enjoyed the process memes. You need to study them.Commit them to memory.Become assimilated because in the corporate world, resistance is futile! Happy job hunting….


  5. Your mama so ugly, she make one direction run in the other direction (with a picture of One Direction running). That’s my meme, only it’s not a meme because I don’t know how to meme so there and oh yeah, it’s also a totally unoriginal rank out I learned from my 9 year old daughter.


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