Bowling Alley Friday Giftures


So I wasn’t bowling the other day and I was trying to strike up a conversation with someone, just kidding, why would I ever do that? Anyways, I was driving in the wrong lane, when I came upon something in the gutter…ball, and it struck me that I needed to do something this coming up Thursday, but I couldn’t remember that I needed to spare someone a dime, because I was pinned into the lane. Anyways, I realized then what I was supposed to do. Get a turkey. Kind of like how this post is turning out so far. So without further argument, let’s take a look at this weeks Friday Gobblers, uh giftures…

And let’s see if we can…


…make it into the club.

And we got a kick out of this…


…let’s face it.

And now for my next trick…


…I’ll disappear…without my dignity.

Before you get too tee’d off…


…let me axe you a question.

Hey baby…


…wanna see my broken glass?

Don’t flip out…


…but you are probably going to take a dive.

Let’s dance…


…cause you are going to be floored.

Sometimes to get your pizza…


…other people need to be a little flexible.

They say when you put Mentos in Coke…


…things can fly.

When you do the towel dance…


…don’t do a face plant.

When you think outside the box…


…sometimes you fall flat on your face.

Oh and before you get home…


…remember to leave the parking brake off…for our entertainment purposes.

I’m guessing all you bitter people are headed to your local Black Friday sales so can wait in some lines for some crap that will break before you get it home. So let me leave you with this. This is the end of the post. So enjoy your bitterness.

Bitter Turkey Sandwich Ben

30 thoughts on “Bowling Alley Friday Giftures

  1. The best clip is the last one. The dolt basically helps his car over the railing. Nice. I also enjoyed the nimrod busting a move in the convenience store. He is so ready for Dancing with the Stars. All of the bowling references made me bitter, Ben. I really don’t like that sport.


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