President’s Day Bitterness


My Mt. Rushmore: Bitterness, Rage, Anger, Laziness.

For 13 years now, or basically every year since I started working at my current job that I hate, the worst day of every year is one that you wouldn’t expect.  It is the day after President’s Day and it is for particular reasons.

1. It is about a month and a half before our fiscal year end, so as is tradition in this country, dealers(not of drugs, but of radios) procrastinate their yearly goals until the last month and a half.

2. We have President’s Day off.

3. Most of our dealers don’t.

4. The kids have it off.

5. My co-workers know it is the worst day of the year.

6. So they take it off.

7. I don’t ever get that day off.

8. Because my co-workers are big huge wastes of space and take it first.

This year, our “newly, upgraded” system, doesn’t do half of what our old dinosaur like system did, but does it twice as fast.  It does stuff like not print things to the warehouse (but twice as fast), and it does things like automatically release things that our dealers don’t want.  And it does things like not allow us to see anything that is useful, like when stuff is going to be in stock.

Also, my supervisor since she noticed I was only doing three jobs, announced that the day before our “new, upgraded” system that I would also be first backup to our 1 customer service rep.  So basically I would be taking 50% of the calls in our que that I haven’t taken in 5 years.

Also, our “new, upgraded” system wouldn’t work for entry for over a week.  And also a week after that, the warehouse wouldn’t recieve any of those orders that had been piling up for over a week.  And also the phones would continue to work so that people could call and tell me over and over again how angry they are because they have had to wait over a month and a half to get something shipped.  And also, I tried to help them (not really) but couldn’t because angry people were in the que to tell me that their order was also late and we suck and how come nothing is being done.

And also, whenever we tried to find someone in the company(IT, upper management) that could help us with “the new upgraded” system getting orders to print or get shipped, they were too busy (laughing with each other) while saying they would “work on it”.

So the day after President’s Day, a day where most everyone else works, our orders were piling up, people were angry because no one answered the phone yesterday, and our warehouse couldn’t ship anything because they were receiving a shipment.  So all day yesterday, I got to hear yet more people yelling and screaming that they didn’t get their shipment and I need a call back.  But I needed to go to an interview yesterday, at 4:00 pm so I needed to leave early.  So no one got a call back.  While the weather wasn’t terrible relative to the east coast and its snow hammer, it was rainy, windy and cold.  And my interview was terrible.

So, hey Mt. Rushmore, which resides in the state where I grew up, and all you other President’s, you can suck it.

How I feel about the end of President's Day.

How I feel about the end of President’s Day.

You make me so bitter.


President of the Bitter Club Ben

I love video games, but as the Bitter Midas, everything I touch turns to bitter.

128 thoughts on “President’s Day Bitterness

  1. Pingback: February – A Bitter Person’s Dream | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Pingback: In case you missed it…because you were reading the comics | Ben's Bitter Blog

  3. You do CUSTOMER SERVICE work?? I’m always yelling at those guys. No wonder you are bitter. Do you have to ask what the clients’ Mother Maiden Name? Oh boy, that must be one well-paying job, otherwise NOBODY would do it. The clients get to talk to you AFTER they go through a 15 minute voice mail system that does not recognize them, or the numbers they enter. They are hopping mad BEFORE, you say one word. (I hope your wife recognizes you for the SAINT you are!!)


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