Subject Lines Bitter Friday Giftures


When I was in 7th grade, our social studies teacher made us do this assignment where we had to pick a career that we wanted to do when we grew up. I think most kids blew it off and probably had no idea what they wanted to do when they were in 7th grade. For some reason though, I took it very seriously. I decided that I wanted to be an ad man, like Donald Draper(way before that show was ever on).

It was a decision based on the fact that I didn’t like numbers and wasn’t necessarily a good writer, but I thought I was clever and could come up with campaigns.

I went to college knowing that is what I wanted to do, and even tried to get internships at ad agencies where I could learn it. It never worked out and I ended up working in customer service for 15 years before finally making a pivot to social media marketing, which is basically where the world of advertising has gone.

In that time, everything about marketing has completely changed. Now almost all of marketing is done on social media. Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, YouTube and Google. And interestingly enough, email. In fact, email marketing is such a huge thing, that there are full time jobs dedicated to just email marketing. Do you know how much time and research is dedicated to just getting the subject line right? Numerous studies show how well a certain subject line will cause someone to open your email. It is insane.

Anyways, subject lines and titles matter. Which is possibly why my blog does so poorly, because I barely put any effort into the title of my blogs. Enough about that, let’s get to the Bitter Friday Giftures….

Something strange…

 funny alien ‎reazioni divertente area 51 GIF

…seems to be going on here.

Does it feel like someone…

Sci Fi Lol GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown

…is reading my thoughts?

Or attacking…

windshield GIF by ViralHog

…out of the blue?

Or something weird…

scream surfing GIF by ViralHog

…is in the water?

Or people’s timing…

jetski GIF by ViralHog

…is just a little off?

Are people feeling a little like…

fish supermarket GIF by ViralHog

…a fish out of water?

Or like we just can’t seem...

dog hops high wall GIF by ViralHog

…to reach the same heights as before?

Or like people…

JustViral funny hilarious duck just viral GIF

…are a little chicken?

Or like some people…or animals…

JustViral funny cute omg hilarious GIF

…aren’t getting the same kind of play they are used to?

Or maybe some people…

wow GIF by JustViral.Net

…are getting a little bit more than they want?

It seems as if…

Work GIF by JustViral.Net

…some of us just can’t seem to keep up.

While the rest of us…

Funny GIF by JustViral.Net

…are just plain frustrated.

Just know that we all feel frustrated by things that are going on, and it will continue to be that way. Because the world will never get better, only more bitter. And isn’t that the way we all like it? Or is that just me?


Bitter Subject Line Ben

5 thoughts on “Subject Lines Bitter Friday Giftures

  1. Pingback: The .Gif Friday Post No. 734 – Dogwash, Frozen Dinner & Turtle Trot – Tacky Raccoons

  2. I have loved the world of advertising with all my heart. I want to make a career in it. A few months back, I was so disappointed that I couldn’t end up with a job at an agency. Currently, I am in a sales profile.

    Here’s hoping to passions that always stay alive, and find a way. ☺️


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