Cursed Friday Giftures

As you probably have heard, the Cubs won the World Series the other night. If you haven’t it’s because you were hiding in a bunker for the last 108 years and didn’t know that it was such a big deal. If you were hiding in a bunker, welcome back. A lot has happened since you hid in your bunker. Mostly this thing called the internet that you are viewing for the first time. It’s basically the most important thing to happen ever. Because there is this thing called a blog that I use to make fun of you and the 6 billion other citizens of the world. By the way, there are 6 billion people on the earth now. Anyways, so the Cubs broke their “curse” of not being able to win, so it had to be transferred to me. Ever since they won, I have lost every game I haven’t participated in. It kind of sucks, but I’m used to losing. Here are the cursed giftures of the week.

This girl…

This girl found a way to make even getting in bed hard to

…made even getting in bed a hard task.

Some people are in such a hurry running…


…that they didn’t realize that walking could get there just as slow.

While some people don’t realize…


…that having a ball isn’t so much.

Some people don’t have a leg to stand on…


…or to land on.

Some people’s favorite movie is Captain America Winter Soldier…


…but this guy prefers Deadpool.

While some people…


…just can’t weight.

When there’s something strange in your neighborhood who are you going to call…


…probably not this slowpolk.

When it comes to horsing around…


…this guy doesn’t.

Future gymnastics hopeful…



I wish I could…


…Red Sea what is going on at this game.

Just another tree…


…destroying the lives of people as well as its old wood buddies.



…sorry what was I saying?

Now that you’ve read this post, if you don’t pass it on to 15 friends, then you will be cursed for a lifetime. Don’t believe me? One lady refused to pass it on and for the rest of her life she got spilled water on her shirt once.


Bitter Cursed Friday Ben

63 thoughts on “Cursed Friday Giftures

  1. Pingback: The .GIF Friday Post No.462 – Hair Controller, Semi Towed & Moses Parts It | Tacky Raccoons

  2. Yeah, as Scottish people living in the US, we just happened to be in an Irish pub in Chicago on Friday night. Seemingly there was some kind of baseball game going on….. 😉


  3. Pingback: Friday Feeds | Candace Vianna Writes

  4. Ben- So many idiots not enough time to blog about all of them. I have so many questions. Why couldn’t Tom Green have just gotten a ball the right way by asking someone? Is it really so important to be watching someone taking a picture of you instead of side stepping a barrier (yeah, I am talking to you idiot girl with your dog)? This gifture has made my otherwise bitter Friday somewhat less bitter…..


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