











#you #are #correct

#you #are #correct



























  1. I have a few friends who post exactly like the top picture with the zillion hashtags, and sometimes I want to dump them all on a computerless desert island for awhile. Knowing them though, they’d just start sending out zillions of messages-in-bottles that all said things like:
    #omg #stuckonanisland #help #SOS #oceanisprettythough #beachlife #yaycoconuts


  2. #thispost #IHateHashtags #mylastpostprobablysucked #IHateTheBeach #beachbitch #bitterbeachbitch #wherestheRedStripe #wifewontbuymewhiskey #wtf #comeonlotteryticket #sendmetothebeach #redstripeandwhiskey #airconditioner #dontforgetmylaptop #whenIWinTheLottery #IllBuyANewFuckingLaptop #thisLaptopSucks


    • I love it. I so totally wrote this for you. Actually no I didn’t. I think your hashtag game is strong, I just find the ones that think stringing a long thing together is helpful at all. Ha!


      • I think it is just an annoying way to let people gather in the same area of the internet, but when people started doing long stupid phrases with no meaning, it just kind of started getting out of control. And by the way, they are pound signs as far as I’m concerned.

        Liked by 1 person

      • On a similar note, I just watched a commercial by a car seller, asking people what emoticon they would use to describe a vehicle. I started yelling at the TV “USE WORDS YOU IDIOTS”. God help us all.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh yeah, I’m very familiar with that one. I thought, why would they ever feel like anyone would buy a car because some stupid people used emoji’s to describe a car? They only described them well, when they actually used words from their mouths. My daughter keeps telling me that there is an actual movie coming out about Emoji’s. Can we start realizing that the world is coming to an end?


        • You know, I volunteer at a library and I think sometimes subconsciously I do this to remind myself that people still read.

          Liked by 1 person

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