Bitter Yardwork

I should have.

I should have.

The weekend.  A time where you stop working and relax and spend time with your family.  Go to a movie or relax on a hammock, sit around and watch TV and lay on the couch.  That kind of thing.  Whatever I do, I make sure not to exert any effort.  Cause you know effort means work and that is what you shouldn’t do on the weekend.

So what did I do?  I woke up at 8, spread bark in our yard until 12, then rode bikes with my kids, in get this, the sun.  Then 4 O’clock came around and I watched someone install windows and decided to help them.  Am I insane?  My back thinks so.  What was I thinking?  Of course I never learn my lesson, so all I have to show for it is some burnt skin, some sore muscles and one less day to be lazy.

So bitter


Bitter Bent over backwards Ben

35 thoughts on “Bitter Yardwork

  1. Pingback: Lazy Saturday Bitterness | Ben's Bitter Blog

    • I will always remember all the bad things that make me bitter. I actually didn’t help out the neighborhood only myself. The windows were mine and I was helping the guy we paid to do them for us. Remember I am always self serving….


  2. I’m bitter too.

    Been putting off cutting the grass but couldn’t put it off any longer – it was beginning to block out my view of the trees at the bottom of the garden – so tackled it yesterday

    It was back-breaking work and required frequent rests for a glass of chardonnay.

    After an hour and a half, the grass was cut, the bottle of chardonnay was finished, and I was finished too – retreating to the sofa to rest my aching back

    And to top off a bitter weekend, it’s a Bank Holiday here in the UK but I have to drag my sorry carcass into work because the company I work for has been taken over by an american firm and the buggers won’t let us have the holiday – Ggrrrrr !


  3. Obviously you’ve been reading my blog! Again, the laughter! There’s nothing like working in the hot sun for hours doing yard work to make one bitter for the day… or longer! (Although your bike ride sounded fun.)


  4. I just moved 7 chairs into a too small van and drove them all over to hell and gone (my house) and moved a bunch of stuff to fit them in and it’s not even 11am. I’m not available for anything else unless it involves beer.


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