Tornado Friday Giftures


I am so far behind on the news, that I just found out that not far from here, north of Salt Lake, there was a tornado that caused a quite a stir. Doesn’t surprise me in the least because there has been a tornado of activity around here, which sucks because I am a huge fan of not doing stuff. On one day this week, I left for school at 6 am and didn’t get back until 7:45 pm. Then when I got home no one was there, because the girl was at church with an activity, the boy was at football and mom was running around picking them up. Then we got started on dinner, and had to tell the boy to do his homework. Finally, I nestled right into my comfort zone, the couch at 10 pm and just stared blankly at the TV. This whole week has been a tornado, so the giftures will be too.

The week got off…


…to an explosive start. 

Then things kind of…

...whatever you do

…fell off from there.

Then someone grabbed a Red Bull…


…and sure enough, it gave them wings. 

Then someone finally tried to…


…give me a shot, but then decided to stop. 

Then they couldn’t decide…


…weather they wanted to go through with it. 

Thankfully, we were able to…


…scrounge around for a dolla bill yall, for lunch. 

But, riding the train…


…was a little frustrating. 

Thankfully, I was able to get my frustrations…


…and did a little exercise. 

But didn’t really…


…finish up. 

After that…


…I did a little paperwork. 

Then I was going along…


…and something just hit me. 

Then when I was driving home…


…I got a little tired. 

So despite me just wanting to sit on the couch and pretend I didn’t have homework or kids or responsibilities, despite the fact that we didn’t want a tornado lurking nearby, it happened. I’m kind of tired of all these things happening without my permission. Just know that next time they try something without my permission, tornadoes are just going to wait at the front door until I’m done with my TV program.


Bitter Tornad-no Ben

18 thoughts on “Tornado Friday Giftures

  1. Pingback: Bitter’s Tornado Friday Giftures…(because I’m all about giving.) | Candace Vianna Writes

  2. Every picture was one I wanted to remember then became forgotten as the next and the next became my new favorites. Dang. It would take me forever to gather such great shots and vids. I’m impressed. Now don’t be bitter.


  3. Ha! Before you know it your son will tell YOU to do your homework!
    Also, poor guy on the bus. But at least he makes swiping your phone kind of cool looking…?


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