37 thoughts on “Bitter News from the Couch

  1. Yessssssss! You did it! I thought you forgot. I just checked out your video. I love you started with a trailer first. Hey how did you do the water thing with iMovie? You know how to do picture in picture?


    • Yeah, the trailer was pretty easy to do with Imovie. I did the water thing with Photo Booth, then transferred that to Imovie. That’s how I did all the recording. As far as the actual News I will be putting out next Sunday, that was way harder and more time consuming. It took all day Saturday without many interuptions, which I won’t normally get (the wife and daughter were out of town).

      Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah, that’s always what I have used. There is just a button to do video instead of pictures. What do you use to film? I don’t have a video camera, so I just have to use photo booth.
          The length was kind of the predetermined length of the trailer. It just had templates that you fill in. I really liked that it did that for you. The length of my newscast is 5 minutes. I’d like to make it shorter next time.


        • Oh. So on your timeline when you can add music or pictures or other videos, etc, by moving them above the video, you look and there are setting for the actual picture part. There should be a drop down menu of like four things you can do and one is picture in picture. It’s pretty awesome once you figure it out. Let me know if my instructions were too basic.


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