Bitter Stuff You’re Glad you missed…

Or didn't.

Or didn’t.

Once again, whether you like it or not, I’m going to recap stuff that happened last week.  Not important stuff like what happened in the world, but stuff that happened on my blog.

Stuff I blogged about:

A Bitter Review about The Amazing Race: Because you know that if I ran this race around the world for the chance to win a million dollars, I would finish right after the place that earned any money and I would finish second place on every leg, just behind the place that wins a trip.  When it comes to second place, I come in a place way behind that.

My blog got highjacked by Bitter Bacon Ben, a dude that somehow escaped my frying pan and was bitter about waffles, pancakes, cereal and healthy foods.

At the end of the week, on Friday, when my natural laziness manifested itself, I found scary pictures of things that would scare even the bravest of Bitter People. Bitter Friday Pictures turned into Early Friday Halloween Bitter Pictures.


I tweeted stuff:


People commented about stuff:

“I think that last picture with the burger was probably the scariest for vegetarians or unclogged artery lovers.” Katie

“Yes. Picture of human eating swill on bread. I am terrified witless. :-)FloridaBourne

“Look, I just blogged about being a fat guy so your hacker has officially offended me. Not to mention my favorite color, song and place to vacation all has the same one word answer… bacon.” jamesrdraven

“Maybe the Amazing race needs to change the teams to three people like separated husband and wife accompanied by divorce lawyer, or constantly at odds dad and daughter with family therapist, or daughter’s weird goth boyfriend. It could get interesting…” Artjen1971

And there were bitter pictures:

Halloween costume suggestions of me eating stuff:

Just blow up this picture, cut it out and make a mask of it.  It will terrify your friends.

Just blow up this picture, cut it out and make a mask of it. It will terrify your friends.

Most scary to me: Someone taking a piece of my stuff…ed crust pizza.

No one better lay a finger on my Butterfinger Pizza.

No one better lay a finger on my Butterfinger Pizza.


Finding a way to destroy others hope and dreams and stuff and helping them be more bitter:

You know what is truly scary?  Wishing on a star, knowing that just like the star, your dreams are dead.

You know what is truly scary? Wishing on a star, knowing that just like the star, your dreams are dead.


So a bitter Canadian Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate that stuff(hope you get stuffed), and a bitter early Halloween for those of you that like to eat candy and stuff, and a bitter half marathon to those of you who like to run and stuff.  And a bitter weekend to those of you who celebrate that…and stuff.


Bitter Stuffed Ben


40 thoughts on “Bitter Stuff You’re Glad you missed…

  1. Pingback: Friday “Why do we have to be here again?” Picture Bitterness | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Pingback: Bitter Scariness | Ben's Bitter Blog

  3. I loved the Kristen Stewart tweet. I’ve never understood how she’s an actress. I thought actors and actresses were supposed to be expressive, one of the reasons I myself would suck at it (I’m about as expressive as Ms. Stewart). Hmm, one of life’s mysteries, I guess…


  4. Wow the dream crushing wishing on a dead star really touched me. I’m still teary eyed. Thanks.
    Who knew you were so funny. I might almost join twitter now?


  5. Possibly bitter because you’re not Canadian and therefore can’t celebrate Thanksgiving one month early? The best solution – marry a Canadian, then you can er have to celebrate both.


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