This is How Smart I Am

In my 5 years as a blogger, I have seen many bloggers come and go. Some were great, some were good, and some were downright awful. Thankfully most of the awful ones didn’t last, so they probably won’t read this. If they are reading this, YOU WERE AWFUL! Okay, you don’t have to be so hard on yourself Ben, you were awful, but at least you stuck to it.
Anyways, I was talking to Rachel Being Chatty yesterday and we were talking about the few bloggers that are pretty consistent with their blogging over time, and we came to the conclusion that the reason why they are pretty consistent is that they have a theme and they stick to it.
For instance, if you’ve ever read any of my blogs, you would know the theme of my blog. Bitterness comes in many forms, and I am each one of those forms. From complaining about traffic, to trees to any kind of news, I am there almost every other day.
Rachel follows a similar theme, but is more witty, and sarcastic than me. She also has really short posts that are almost Twitter like in length. So you can count on her to have at least 5-15 posts a day of witty, Twitter like observations every day. So, you know that you can count on her for content. You know it won’t be a ghost town when you come and get hooked on her blog. By the way, while I am in the midst of explaining her blog, she has probably already done 4 or 5 posts. I guess my style is a bit longer.

Yesterday, we talked about collaborating and this is just a part of it. We are reblogging a post of each other’s today(so go check her blog for my post) and we might do more in the future. Or maybe not. You might see us co-hosting the Oscar’s someday.
In the meantime, go check out her blog, follow, like, and subscribe and even follow her on Twitter or Patreon. I don’t have the links, but if you ask her she will gladly provide them for you. She promises lot of funny content. By the way, if you all want to collaborate, I love money, and that helps me get motivated to get off the couch from time to time.

Rachel Being Chatty

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33 thoughts on “This is How Smart I Am

    • Oh great, now I have to pretend that I care about awards and make up some friends that have blogs to share this award with.
      By the way, you are a filmmaker? Can you make my YouTube videos go viral? Thanks.


  1. I thought she had switched over to reviewing romance novels, so I stopped reading. Yay to collaboration because it let me know that I was either wrong, or she’s back! Love her, and love you, so yes to more collaboration with the two of you in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

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