Friday Bitter Pictures – Naughty List Edition

He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve good or bad, so be good for goodness sake.  Stalker!  So you watch me sleep?  Did the NSA put you up to this? Sounds like you should be on the naughty list!  It’s that day of the week where we get to slack off at work get all our last minute work done, and head off into the bitter sunset called Friday night at 3:31 pm (or 4:00, or 5:00, or 6:00 pm, depending on how much your job and boss hate you) where we go interesting places(home) and do interesting things (melt into the couch) and do things that our bosses can’t yell at us for.  We go where we can either bitterly annoy people or be bitterly annoyed by people.  Just remember Bitter Santa is watching what you are doing.  Here are a few already on the naughty list:


Cheater!  She was using illegal leverage!

Cheater! You are not allowed to hit your face!

The pushees…..

Come on Orange Team! You can't get in the way of the guy pushing you out of the way!

Come on Orange Team! You can’t get in the way of the guy pushing you out of the way!

Those driving without a license…

Can I see your driver's license Carl?

Can I see your driver’s license Carl?

Those not wearing seat belts….

You are flying well below the 10,000 feet FAA regulations.

You are flying well below the minimum 10,000 feet FAA regulations skateboard accidents.

Wall abusers….

Maam are aware that in this state you are not allowed to hit a snowman?

Maam are you aware that in this state you are not allowed to hit a wall?

Cats making messes in garages…

You were not cleared for landing!

You were not cleared for landing!

Jay walkers almost hitting cars with its cane…

Jay walking...

Jay walking…

Some people getting off task…


No piece on earth…

Illegally entering in human jump roping contests…


This is a human jump roping contest!

So just remember Bitter Santa is watching and by that I mean, his elves are watching, because Bitter Santa will be sleeping most of this weekend and has no time to be watching what you are doing unless you happens to be on the ESPN or NBC.


Bitter Santa Ben

97 thoughts on “Friday Bitter Pictures – Naughty List Edition

  1. Pingback: The Bitter End…of the Year | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. I was trying to read the first part of this, and all I kept seeing was that chick hitting herself in the face. I could probably watch that all day. Or at least for a a few minutes. XD

    By the way…yes, walking through the middle of a street like that is TOTALLY a good idea.


  3. Pingback: In case you missed it…because you were entranced by a Yule Log | Ben's Bitter Blog

  4. I’m bitter that you don’t like cats. I am sending you a large hairball so you can see for yourself how soft and fluffy they are. And friendly…much friendlier than, say my dog. As soon as he realizes he isn’t getting a cookie he basically says f-you and leaves. hmmm…that gave me some insight into my last couple of…oh nevermind. Bitterness ensues.


    • I believe that I am entitled to my opinion on not liking cats. Perhaps I lost my arm to a cat scratching incident or had a pet mouse that got eaten by our family cat. Would that be enough to be bitter about cats?


  5. Seriously laughing at the guy with the pyramid thing. No one should have that much time on their hands…. and if they do, they should be doing something more productive like creating a body impression on their couch. =)


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