Thanksgiving Friday Pictures Bitterness

It’s Black Friday, so that means I assume everyone is out getting pummeled by other people just so they can a TV that is worth a $1000 for $900.  The Waltons are probably at home enjoying the cameras outside their Walmart for Black Friday Fight Club.  Before we talk about Black Friday tragedies, let’s just review the Bitter Day in Friday Bitter Picture style.

First, time for the easy 13 hour drive to your cousin’s uncle’s neighbor’s friends house:

We played I spy on the way.  I spy something Coming right for us!

We played I spy on the way. I spy something Coming right for us!

Then we met some of the quality relative that we haven’t seen

This is my Uncle Bruce Wayne. He likes to dress up as a Bat and save Gotham. He kept talking about his dead parents.

The kids were just a delight to meet.

There were lots of kids.

All we asked them to do was get a drink.

Meeting the adults was even more fun.

So sweet to each other.

So sweet to each other.

Food was eaten and eaten and eaten.  Then after we got full, we ate some more.

Went to McDonald's after cause we were still hungry.

Went to McDonald’s after cause we were still hungry.

We got sleepy.

The turkey sleepy thingy kicked in.

The turkey sleepy thingy kicked in.

Went outside to work off the turkey.

Did some Parkour.

Did some Parkour. Nailed it.  (Ha ha get it?)

Took the dog for a walk.

Dog nailed it much better.

Dog nailed it much better.

Sat around watching the fire.


Sat around and watched the world burn.

Now all we had to look forward to was waking up early to watch the Black Friday Fights.

Let the magic of the season begin.

Let the magic of the season begin.

Have a Bitter Thanksgiving.


Bitter Turkey Ben

64 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Friday Pictures Bitterness

  1. Pingback: Bitter Gift Friday Pictures | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Pingback: If you missed it…you were probably in a tryptophan coma | Ben's Bitter Blog

  3. Ugh, that black friday gif is just horrible. But the one with the flipping dog reminded me of a dream I had last night where I would spontaneously start doing flips because the ground I walked on became like a trampoline. It. Was. Awesome.


  4. Pingback: Group Therapy: November’s Top Comments « HACKER. NINJA. HOOKER. SPY.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving and day after Black Friday! I sought refuge from all the bitter Black Friday fights and stayed home…and that might be the only time I’m NOT bitter about not shopping! 🙂


    • We had a fun time burning down Bruce Wayne’s manner. It was weird though because he seemed to have a weird obsession with Batman. He had some weird cave dedicated to all his Batman paraphenilia. He even had a car that was almost an exact duplicate of the Batmobile.


  6. My favorite part about this day every year is that all the horrible videos of crazed shoppers finally make it to the news. There really is nothing as depressing as watching people slug each other over TVs. Especially as they grapple over strollers. I mean, who the hell brings kids to that madness? I stay home and hide all day. I do not want to deal with crazed, sleep deprived, fanatical shoppers. It makes me bitter. And when I’m bitter, I take out my pepper spray.


  7. Your best blog ever! Dripping with sarcasm, and not at all sentimental in any way. Oh and that “Watching wood burn” stuff, now that, was HYSTERICAL. I never understood the staring into the fire thing either…. Sooooo funny!


  8. That was me in the front there, of the crowd. Did you see me? I ate several extra helpings of turkey and stuffing so I had some heft. Also it contributes to my gravitas. Some people call it intimidation but that’s because they have crap vocabularies. I didn’t get any bargains, tho. I was too busy having fun trampling people. I had to chase this one couple all over the store. They were quick.


  9. This year I went on-line for the sales. Last year they were incredible. This year they’re the same thing I’ve seen several other times during the year. (1) It’s not an online sale until there’s free shipping and (2) I’ll wait until Cyber Monday to see if there’s anything worth my time and money.


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