Short Week Bitter Friday Giftures

  Remember all the way back to Monday? Remember how most of us had Labor Day off? It seems like so long ago but we decided not to labor ironically. The reason why it seems so long ago, is because of this weird phenomenon where those shorter weeks we get from holidays seem longer because … Continue reading Short Week Bitter Friday Giftures

Belabored Day

Nobody really knows why we celebrate Labor Day. Is it because we celebrate all the women that go into labor? Is it because we like working so hard? Is it because we needed a holiday in the early part of September to have sales at stores? I am all kinds of confused about holidays in … Continue reading Belabored Day

Nap and Food Bitter Friday Giftures

I believe that some people are taking this long Labor Day weekend off a little early by taking Friday off (jerks) and of course, that makes me bitter. There are a lot of reasons why you should not take off early, but I can't think of any.  This means I will be stewing in my … Continue reading Nap and Food Bitter Friday Giftures

Thank Bitter It’s Friday (TBIF) before Labor Day

This week I took two days off, because I felt like not working. After today I will have only worked 3 days this week.  The lesson I have learned?  This should be the normal workweek.  3 days should be the amount of days we work and 4 days should be the amount of days we have … Continue reading Thank Bitter It’s Friday (TBIF) before Labor Day