Blog Closed Today

In light of the events of it being too snowy, windy and cold outside and my bitterness for having to go outside and go sledding and have snowball fights, it has been determined that this blog will be closed today.

If you are caught in this hideous storm, feel free to be bitter as well.


Bitter Snow Storm Ben

18 thoughts on “Blog Closed Today

  1. Sorry! I didn’t read your closed blog yesterday due to good weather! I spent yesterday away from my computer, enjoying the sun!

    Hope you had fun playing in the bitter cold and snow!!! 😀

    Non-Bitter HUGS!!! Ha! Wonder what a Bitter-HUG looks like! ???


  2. It was warm enough to rain today around here, and supposed to be definitely warm tomorrow, so I can neither be bitter nor take a snow day. I have a bad headache to so could legitimately take a blogger’s sick day, but I fear I have taken too many of those. I must write my blog post but will first stall by reading and making long-winded comments on other blogs.


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