Bitter Things that Won’t Go Away

Thanksgiving time is upon us, which means that most people will either take advantage of other people's hospitality and eat their food, take up space on their couch and leave way later than they should have leaving nothing but turkey bones and leftover scents(not the potporri variety) or they will have to host someone who … Continue reading Bitter Things that Won’t Go Away

Bitter Management

Many years ago, when I was a lot less into my mid life crisis (29 years old), I had told my wife of my desire for a surprise party for my 30th birthday. After talking about it, she told me it wasn't a good idea, because I would know about it and it wouldn't be … Continue reading Bitter Management

In case you missed Bitterness as much as you missed the Government(ie not at all)

Whether you missed anything on the blog on purpose or because you are lazy and just didn't feel like it, you may have missed all or some of the bitter things that were posted on here this week.  For my inconvenience and your convenience, I am bitterly recapping all the crap stuff that happened both … Continue reading In case you missed Bitterness as much as you missed the Government(ie not at all)

Canadian Friday Picture Bitterness

It's Friday again and you know what that means.  I am too lazy to write anything, so I just post pictures taken from the internet that make me bitter and comment about them.  Today, in honor of my neighbors to the north(not in my neighborhood.  They have no honor), Canada, who has an actual government that … Continue reading Canadian Friday Picture Bitterness