Bitter Rivalry of the Week: Scrooge vs. The Grinch

We are in the middle of a flood...of cheesy holiday movies.

We are in the middle of a flood…of cheesy holiday movies.

We are in the middle of a huge flood.  Batten down the hatches and start weatherproofing your house.  The cheesy Hallmark, ABC Family, Lifetime, UP Network and all other channel onslaught of Christmas specials are coming. Romance in snowed airports, Christmas dogs, losing jobs in marketing, finance and accounting and having to return to family tree lots, small towns or cabins in the woods businesses. The specials are taking over the traditional Christmas specials. There is a need for villains in these specials called the overbearing, or workaholic fiance.

Whatever happened to the good old villain to the Christmas special called Scrooge and The Grinch?

What happened to the original grumpy guys who taught us lessons about the true meaning of Christmas?


The Green Master of Disaster. 

Who is the who that can bring grumpiness to the Who’s? Who is the hairy green guy that the tiny dog that can carry a sleigh and steal a whole towns presents while also trying to take away their presence? Who is the original outcast that just wants to be left alone without all the lights, and the food and the singing and toys? Who’s the guy with heart that is two sizes too small, and that avoids the mall? He’s the Green Master of Disaster The Griiiinnnch!


The Scrooge smirk. 

In the other corner, we have the overworked jerk, the accountant with no discountant, the host of the three timed ghosts, the thug of humbug, the guy that puts Christmas Carols in peril, the Geezer named Ebeneezer, the hatchet of Bob Cratchit, the Turkey of turnkey, the steed of greed, the presence of presents, the Scrooge Scourge!

Which Christmas criminal are you with? The whombug of Whoville? Or the Bitterman of Britan? Which one will stop the flood of fianced wannabes? Which one did Jim Carrey play best? Who’s side are you on?

Jim Carrey or Jim Carrey?

Jim Carrey…


…or Jim Carrey?


Bitter Christmas Jerk Ben

50 thoughts on “Bitter Rivalry of the Week: Scrooge vs. The Grinch

  1. Scrooge with Bill Murray is one of my most favorites!! It maybe sick, but I love the way he gets the snot knocked out of him to teach him a lesson.:)
    Always have to watch – its a wonderful life – black and white version, and Rudolph or its just not Christmas – thank you for bringing these wonders up Ben!


  2. Sorry, but my anti-heroes in the highest are the strange santas who march around in the Dr. Who and Donna Noble Christmas special. A Salvation Army style band of Bad Machines with horns. Whoohoo.


  3. I’m so ashamed of myself, but I must admit that I watch the worst of the worst, Christmas movies in succession. They’re so cloyingly sweet that they give me a toothache, yet I watch on. What is wrong with me?


    • Oh my gosh that sounds like a great idea. I think that I’m the one that has to write it too. Definitely a comedy. And to see Jim Carrey vs. himself or some other person against himself would be even better.


  4. love, Love, LOVE this post! I am a big fan of both the Grinch and Ebenezer (we’re on a first-name basis; he calls me Cin, short for the Evil Woman CinCin). I was not a fan of the Grinch movie and never saw the Jim Carrey Scrooge, although we have a large collection of Christmas Carol DVDs and videos. Give me a rotten villain over an overbearing, workaholic fiance any day! I hope you’re enjoying your Curmudgeonly Christmas Season (I just made that expression up, do you like it?).


  5. Darn it! I was just about to write this post before you picked my brain. Oh well…I guess I’ll just go watch something on Netflix. Oooh look — cheesy Christmas movies!

    Liked by 1 person

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