Bitter Programming BFG’s

I'm always fascinated by movies that tell origin stories of famous people. The other day I was watching Jobs, which is the Ashton Kutcher movie about Steve Jobs. The thing I find so fascinating about this movie is that a lot of it happened in my lifetime. Just last week I was talking about Atari, … Continue reading Bitter Programming BFG’s

What does your work computer do on weekends?

I guess there are some people out there that love work so much, that they work weekends, even though they don't have to. I should know. My wife watches Hallmark movies, and that is the MO of every single bad boyfriend on that network. There are only 3 script types at Hallmark. Script number 1B … Continue reading What does your work computer do on weekends?

Too Many Tabs Open Bitterness

When I was growing up my world wide web consisted of the spiders in the backyard. Okay maybe it was a few other places too, but essentially my world was as far as I could see, so my yard, the grocery store and maybe Grandma's house once a year. It wasn't until we packed up … Continue reading Too Many Tabs Open Bitterness