Awards that I don’t deserve

At the request of literally no one, there is zero demand to see awards that I have been “nominated” for.  As a bitter blogger, I struggled with what to do with them as I clearly don’t deserve them.   However, I do want to thank those that did and maybe all at once let you know about blogs that I really like and that clearly deserve your attention.  So here are some of the symbols and the awards and some of the people that have good blogs.  I beg of you to read, like and follow these blogs if you haven’t already.  Or I will be really bitter at you:

Blogs you should follow, like or comment on, or incur the wrath of the bitterness: – This girl does great posts and almost no one follows or likes her stuff.  Shameful people. – An awesome stick figure drawer, with surprising touching and complete stories. – She has funny stories from her childhood and work. – Inspires in her followers a brand new adjective balderdashy.  Her wits puts my wit to shame. – Very funny and witty and does great book reviews for those of you who read.  Makes me want to.  Doesn’t write enough, but if you follow her, maybe she will do more. – Little know fact.  She sits right behind me at work.  She is responsible for covering for me so I don’t get in trouble for writing posts at work.  She takes great pictures and does thoughtful commentary about it. (I got her started on wordpress.) – A perfectionist when it comes to doing posts, so you know that when she does one it will be well thought out and funny. – I call her the haiku princess.  She got hooked on doing them in February and hasn’t stopped since. – a newy but a goody that also has bitter tendencies. – also a new one that enjoys a good rant – does weekly old journal readings and is very artistic – has fessed up on having a few personal Hollywood celeb stories (Tommy Lee Jones in particular) – Funny, quirky and Canadian. – does a weekly post on things she overhears on campus that is quite hilarious. – Funny and quirky and upbeat sense of humor.  Opposite of mine.


Of course, there are many others you should follow, but I can’t list them all here.  Just do them a solid by reading their stuff and I’m sure you will find some that you really like!



An award I won for doing a blog for a year from WordPress.  Can they not read that should accomplish something first?

A badge I got from WordPress for doing a blog for a year. If that isn’t incentive to do this for a year, nothing is.

I got the Liebster Award from Reocochran, tinymcsmall, my gay mom, Fat Bottom Girl


A Beautiful Blogger award from Lucky Bay and John Shue

A Very inspiring Blog award from Olivethepeople and Ellen at Photos and Fancies

Spotlighted on Crumbsnatcher

Guest posted on Chaos and Words

Kind of nominated by Breezyk

Nominated for three awards from How Not to Kill Your Parents – Lovely Blog, Versatile Blogger and 2012 Blog of the Year

163 thoughts on “Awards that I don’t deserve

  1. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Awards! | Maybe there will be cupcakes...

  2. Ben was very, very bitter,
    He complained, WordPress to Twitter
    Hating neatness, hating litter,
    Cold that caused his teeth to chitter,
    Heat caused by his sweater knitter,
    Sweaty, hungry, busy, bitter
    If teenaged, he’d be a zitter
    Pizza burned, no oven mitter
    Nerves that caused him quite a jitter
    Wishing laziness was fitter,
    Kids around patter and pitter,
    No dates, he can’t find a sitter,
    Bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter.
    Rhymes too hard to find, I quitter,

    There, Jill. (and Ben).

    Liked by 3 people

    • Finally a poem that we can all relate to. I think this may be the comment of the year, which I haven’t had for a couple of years. Make sure you tune in at the end of the year to see if someone takes the comment of the year from you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t make that a contest or anything. I’m sure there are others far more bitterly talented than I am who would snatch the coveted honor from my clutching fingers. Or, make it a contest, give it to someone else, I’ll only be more bitter. I may be more bitter anyway, so it may not make a difference. But thank you for the consideration and the kindness of your remark.


        • It will be quite a contest. Most years I win because I like my comments the most, but every 3 or 4 years someone comes along and says something actually somewhere close to as good as mine so I throw them in the contest.


  3. You should write a tongue twister with the word ‘bitter’ and I have a hunch it might morph into ‘butter’, which reminds me of peanut butter, which is creamy goodness, but also on the not-so-bright-side kills people.


  4. Pingback: Black Cats, Blue Seas, Dirty Knees… | nombredelapluma

    • I think I will take you up on this and write all my frustrations out in a blog…maybe I will call it Ben’s Biter Blog and it will be a blog about all the times I got bit when I was younger. Or when I used biting sarcasm.

      Liked by 1 person

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