They’ve got no chill for Friday Giftures

Can you just feel the chill of fall coming into the air? It couldn’t be that it is September now? That means movies are officially starting to be either terrible or trying to be Oscar films. This also means that Halloween stuff is starting to invade stores and football takes over most people’s lives. Or maybe it is just be chilling people to the bone. Who knows. Whatever it is, you should probably view these gifs for reasons.

This would be a good time to go over the…

…airplane safety procedures.

End of summer means moments like this…

…not swimming, but missed dives.

End of summer means…

…missed sledding opportunities instead.

When you sneeze…

…cats come flying out of the ground.

Hey Rose…

…chill on the dancing a little, you’re killing Conan.

The cot helper guy needs a little chill too…

…could you let the injured guy get on first?

That which you do send out…

…doth return unto thee.

Jump around, jump around…

…jump up, jump up and get down.

This kid just learned how efficiency in the workplace works…

…finish one thing, get assigned another.

Miley Cyrus…

…would be so proud.

Wonder if this cat…

…paid $4.15 for this water.

Every time I try to…

…make a layup.

Alright, I’ve had just about enough of this fall. When does summer start again?


Bitter No Chill Ben

15 thoughts on “They’ve got no chill for Friday Giftures

  1. The “jump around” one made me snort-laugh!
    My little dog has completed some crazy jumps! One time he jumped from the couch to the ottoman…from the ottoman to the coffee table…then from coffee table to the loveseat…and then seemed surprised that he made all the jumps without falling to the carpet along the way! Ha! 😛
    HUGS!!! 🙂


  2. Pingback: Bitter Ben’s #getsome post | Incendiary Kitty

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