Party Planning Committee Bitter Friday Giftures


As many know about me, I’m a huge Office fan. I’ve watched the entire series at least 6 times and watch marathons on TV whenever I see them.  One the big parts of the Office is the party planning committee, vital to the many parties that take place at Dunder Mifflin.  Whether it is a birthday,  preparing for the Dundees, or Micheal’s 15th anniversary there is always a party to plan in Scranton.

As a terrible planner myself and an ever worse partier my whole life, I never thought I would be a part of a PPC(Party Planning Committee). But at my company, everyone else is either an insurance broker or an assistant to one, so as part of the two person marketing department, we were given the responsibility to plan our companies 10th anniversary. It’s insane and so ironic. In honor of my first terribly planned party, I’ve decided to make today’s Friday Giftures party related.

It’s not a successful party…

…unless someone falls down.

Or someone is bringing something…

…weird or illegal.

Someone is stumbling…

…in or out of a bed.

The music…

…is too loud….

Or someone is creating…

…a new dance craze.

Or someone messes…

…up the drinks.

Or someone tries…

…to drive home alone.

Don’t worry though…

…there will be lots of food.

And there will be plenty…

…of dessert.

There will be lots…

…of water.

There will be plenty…

…of speeches.

But most of all…

…just a bunch of shenanigans.

I’d like to say that this party is going to be great, but we all know that any party I plan will be a snoozer. And people will do the one thing they can’t stand just to get out of it. Go back to work.

Who is in charge of the parties at work? How bad have they gone for you?


Bitter Party Planning Committee Ben

8 thoughts on “Party Planning Committee Bitter Friday Giftures

  1. A party I organised at university went downhill from the moment my best friend knocked a pint of beer into the sound system … packed crowd, too … they ended up taking turns to dance in front of a tiny, tinny transistor radio.


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