Sneaky Bitter Friday Giftures


When I was getting ready to leave work last night, there was a little paper sign on the door. “Halloween party in the break room at 1:30 pm. Prizes for contests, food, etc.” It kind of shocked me, because Halloween just sneaked up on me. Which I know is hard to believe for some people, because I had a co-worker once that told me he started planning for Halloween on November 1st. I was like what??? Until, I realized he starts working on his costume for NEXT year the day after. I guess I’ve never been a big Halloween guy, because dressing up in costumes can sometimes make you uncomfortable. And who needs to wear uncomfortable clothes? Those just make me bitter. Probably like these gifs will make you.

Look how gravity…

…just sneaked up on this little girl. 

And how little…

…her diving lessons were used. 

And how much of the world…

…this fish wanted to sea.  

This cat was as surprised about her shark attack…

…as I was about Halloween. 

Now that wasn’t a fall…

…oh wait, there it is.

He’s gonna make it, he’s doing…

….oh thank goodness he didn’t. 

All aboard…

…for the concussion train.

You spin me…

…right round baby right round…

In the Game of Thrones…

…he is a Weight Walker. 

This is what we call…

…emptying out the storage unit. 

She caught something in her net…

…and took him home for dinner. 

Apparently, this guy wanted…

…to be in the gymnastics meet. 

Well, I hope your Halloween sneaks up on you this year and you only have enough candy for me and you have to give all the rest of the kids toothbrushes or some old granola bars. I’m gonna make sure that is what kids have around our house. Someone has to eat all of this candy and it isn’t going to be the kids. You know for teeth purposes.


Bitter Sneaky Ben

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