Freaky Friday Giftures


The other day, I was going for a walk on one of the many trails around here and I ran into a cat. It was one of those bitter looking cats that look like Grumpy Cat. It had a scrunched up face and appeared to not give a care in the world that I was coming near it, unlike most cats who jump the moment you enter their atmosphere. I bring my camera with me all the time in case I run into a weirdo cat, so I snapped a photo. I posted the photo to Instagram and said that if I was involved in one of those body swapping Hollywood movies, this is exactly what I would have looked like. Talk about a Freaky Friday. Speaking of Freaky Friday, here is your dose of Freaky Friday Giftures:

Apparently, the baseball switched with the basketball…

…and the basketball didn’t know what it was supposed to do. 

This cat was switched with…

…a distracted teen. 

This guy is…

…head of the class. 

This lady was switched…

…with a dolphin. 

This guy was switched…

…with a sand trap. 

This girl thought she was on a slide…

…but was really on light switch. 

This guy was switched…

…with a rug, so he just laid there.

This guy was really using…

…his melon. 

This guy was just trying to figure out…

…the fastest way to sit down. 

This guy worked way too hard…

…to get a high five. 

This guy just doesn’t…

…have the fire anymore. 

This gif just felt like it was a throw away…

…until you saw him fall through the screen. 

Well, enough of the bait and switch, I’ve got some bitter weekend things to do. Let me know if you want to get reblogged in the comments, and let me know which particular post and I will consider helping your post get all kinds of negative attention.


Bitter Freaky Friday to You Ben


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