Go Fun My Bitterness Friday Giftures


I really like the idea of working from home, but only if I’m not actually working from home. I.E. I get paid to do things, but don’t actually do things. I’ve decided that if some people can get money for free on Go Fun Me, so should I. They may say they have a product, or a friend is suffering unimaginable pain, but what about my suffering? I have a real hard time not being on the couch all day. Yet my kids think it is alright to make me get up and take them places like school. Why do they have to be so selfish and want to get educated. And why does my family think that it is necessary for me to want to eat food at the table? That is why couches were invented. So I call upon all people within the internet. Make my life easier by just sending all the money you have to my Go Fun Me.  Help me not not suffer the unimaginable pain of getting off the couch. Send Gifs and gifts so I don’t have to leave this couch.

And here are some gifs you will get if you donate….

You will get one free hole…

…to dig yourself out of when you forget to bring home the groceries.

Speaking of holes…

…we will send you to this watering hole, where you will be swept away by its beauty.

I will send this crafty young gentleman…

…to leaf blow your fireplace.

Which can come in really handy…

…in the fall.

And for those that like to draw…

…here is one.

And for those that like to…

…kick it…

Or horse around…

…that is nothing to sneeze at.

Especially since…

…it is none of your beeswax.

So just take one more big step…

…and this is what you will be stairing at…

A big…

…slap on the back for a job poorly done…

And you will crash…

…and burn in front of everyone.

Whatever you do…

…don’t chicken out…

…because it will be a long bumpy ride and no one wants to wear seat belts anymore. They are just so uncomfortable. And I don’t want to crash and burn with my Go Fun Me.

Speaking of which, if anyone wants to be reblogged, let me know, because I do a really good job of sending really negative attention to people’s pages and causing regret. So let me know what post you want ruined by me reblogging and I will sure to blindly reblog without reading or caring what you wrote. I do it every Saturday, so bad luck to all of you!


Bitter Go Fun Me Ben

15 thoughts on “Go Fun My Bitterness Friday Giftures

  1. I have spent the last four months at home recuperating from a triple by pass. I have blogged and read blogs until I am blogged out. I loved your work this morning. It put a smile on my face. I would love for you to reblog me. Look at today’s blog and see if you agree with me or not? You have always been an inspiration to me. Bitterness is in my coffee and on my view screen. What more can a man ask for?


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