Friday Day Live on Friday Giftures


Seeing that the ratings on this show have been dipping for a while, I thought we would try something a little different to get the ratings up. Actually, we are going to do pretty much what other shows do when their ratings are dipping. We are going to do a live blog. So starting right now, everything is live. There will be mistakes, and awkward line=s being forgottne and words might be mistyped. But we are going to ge real people. So strap in,b because we are live bloggin here. There is no turning back. So strap in because this is going to be awward. Live from earth, it’s Friday Day Live. (Saxophone blaring.)

The first part of the show this kid will show us how to…


…oh crap, he’s lost forever.

Moving on we have this old dog trying to teach a kid ne w tricks…


…and he teaches hi m how to fall.

I’m going to throw this one over to Lebron…


…and wow, he isn’t good enough to keep up.

Let’s turn it over to zippy the dog…


…turn the camera away, quick.

This kid will introduce to the world…


…uh never mind.

Well, at least Gaga is used to performing live…


…and she screwed up too.

Introducing our future Olympic guymnast


…Floppy McFloperson.

Let’s give a quickl look at the audience…


…and how I’m wishing we could pause. this live broadcast.

Thanks for that commercial. Now to intoroduce our musical guest…


…cat. It looks like we are having some syncing issues.

And now wer are going to do some stupid human tricks. ..


…this guy is going to attempt the Lebron. And he did it!

Alright, let’s go back to something more simple. This guy is going to walk..


…oh my gosh, really?

And for our finale, this guy is going to attempt…


to fricken, uggh, can’t anyone do anyting  right in this show? 

Well, this live this was a disaster. I’m guessing the only reason people tune into these things is so they can see people screw up. Now that I’m in a full sweat from all these misshaps, I’m going home. This was the worst idea ever. Why don’t you just leave a comment in the uh comments about your worst live disaster.


Bitter Live Ben

22 thoughts on “Friday Day Live on Friday Giftures

  1. Ben- I have had too many live disasters to mention. That guy in the audience? I would have loved someone to have thrown a beer cup at the back of his head to knock him over. I think the problem is your talent. They are the ones that can’t do anything right. Just fire them and hire new people. That’s what they do in Hollywood when something isn’t working. Remember in show biz there is no HR.


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