Bitter Abandonment Giftures

Abandon hope all ye that read stuff on here.  Just like my writing skills have abandoned me this week, so should you abandon your desks and workstations and computers and find bitterness in your cars, trains, planes, moped, skiis, snowboards, apparating or Time Machine Deloreans.  Go home and grab some chips, soda, bar-b-q sauce, wings, pizza, salsa, and heart burn medicine and fire up your Xbox or Playstation, or Nintendo, your 3DS, your television and then sit down and observe the Giftures that will make you want to SYH(smash your head) and abandon all hope.



Are you even…


…flipping kidding me?


Wait, wait…


...hang on.

…hang on!



Should we go to Target…


…nailed it. 


We gotta… 


…ramp things up this weekend.


Instead of things…


….escalating quickly. 






…jumping to conclusions.





...leaving your legos everywhere.

…leaving your legos everywhere.


Let us realize…


…that there is bearly any glass between us. 


Let us realize that juggling all these responsibilities…

will just lead to disaster.

…will just lead to disaster.

Instead of…



…flying off the handle…


Let’s get lazy….


…up in here.



And face the fact…

..that even Morgan Freeman is giving up.

..that even Morgan Freeman is giving up.


Alright.  Out.


Bitter Abandoning the Blog Ben

26 thoughts on “Bitter Abandonment Giftures

  1. I’m always nervous to read your giftitures posts, because then I have to really look at myself and the darkness that is in me that makes me laugh (to the point of tears) at other people getting hurt and terrified. What is wrong with me? The polar bear was my favorite one- and that is the saddest one of all because the kid probably has nightmares now and I am laughing. Thanks 🙂


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