Make a walk for the border of Friday Giftures

Go ahead. Walk it off.

Go ahead. Walk it off.

You know, there are all kinds of people running around these days.  The 5K’s are almost unlimited in scope from tough mudder’s to color runs, to neon runs to running in your undies to the zombie runs to even Krispy Kreme runs.  Then there are night runs, early morning runs, runs to the grossery store, to basketball teams going on runs.  Why is everyone in such a hurry? The only time I ever hurry, is to get home and get in my sweats or jammies.  I’ve got no reason to hurry for any other reason.  So since it is Friday, how about we all slow this thing to a crawl and be bitter about things. Like the gifs listed below.

I know just how MacGyver feels…

...I also get buried alive in paperwork all the time too.

…I also get buried alive in paperwork all the time too.


Sometimes you have to slow down even more…


…and some real Walken.



This is the best Walken…


…I will be doin tomorrow.


Some are taking the…


…short walk of death.


While others…

...are taking a long walk off a short pier.

…are taking a long walk off a short pier.


Some feel they are walking a tightrope everyday…


…some are doing it literally. 


Some are teaching their kids how to walk…

...some are bumping.

…by letting them fall down.


Some are trying to walk through walls…

...and failing.

…and are epic failing.


Some are just sheepishly walking…

Some are

…through the crowd.


Some walk across the finish line and some…


…cross the finish line in style.


Some just don’t have any will…


…to walk at all.


Some should learn their lesson and walk….

…instead of run.


And then…there are some that should go to sleep under their desk at work until it is over, so they can be cranky and bitter with others.  Cause everybody’s walking for the weekend…


Bitter Walking Stick Ben


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