Crashing into Friday Giftures

Did this week feel like a train wreck in progress to everyone else like it did to me? I don’t know if you remember all the way back to Monday, but it was a whole month ago (September) and that is a busy month for my job.  It required me to sit at my desk and develop a bad back and sore neck while doing labor intensive things like typing really hard and mouse clicking the crap out of things.  Then just like a lull in a roller coaster it ended and October began and with it brought a whole wave of new emotions.  Like terror, as seen by the tweet I tweeted at the end of the day September 30th.

The transition of September to October was as jarring as the transitions in this post. Just like this weeks Gifs.

This guy…

...was a Wedding Crasher.

…was a Wedding Crasher.


Traffic today…

...was like watching a car crash.

…was like watching a car crash.


This guy…

...didn't pay attention to the signs.

…didn’t pay attention to the signs.


There was definitely…

...definitely some BS going on this week.

…some BS going on this week.


People were…

...acting like big babies.

…acting like big babies.


Some people were helpful…


…at reshaping other people’s bumpers.


While others…

...moving some chairs.

…offered to help move chairs. 


Still others….

...offered to help test the new water slide in its mission to launch the first people into space.

…offered to help test the new water slide in its mission to launch the first people into space.


Some people had a bit of a reaction…

...when the computers crashed.

…when the computers crashed.



...when the shark attacked.

…when the sharks attacked.



...when the stock market crashed.

…when the stock market crashed.


But the worst of all…

...was when someone had their after lunch crash.

…was when someone had their after lunch crash.


So this weekend, make sure you stay confused, stay unfocused and stay non mentally prepared for all the changes.  You should probably go to MAACO because they can repair all kinds of crashes, and disasters, like the crash that is your life.


Bitter Crashed Ben

34 thoughts on “Crashing into Friday Giftures

  1. Pingback: Bitter Comments and Commenter of the Year | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Well, we always say if you mess with the bull, you get the horns, and you proved it. And actually, remembering back to Monday makes me bitter because way back then, I didn’t know about a man living a couple hundred miles from me with ebola. Or that he went to ER and got turned away and sweat on more people and door handles and chairs, risking lives of tons of people. And now that it is Friday, I AM EVEN MORE BITTER.


      • Like, humans have shark week conventions? Or are you saying sharks have conventions?
        My imagination really wants the second one to be true. All the sharks gather at a panel where they listen to Jaws talk about how it was back in the day during filming…
        The sharks from Sharknado sign autographs…
        They have fried human on a stick for snacks…


        • I left it open to interpretation and I believe I like the idea of sharks having the convention. I mean humans on a stick. How funny would that be? I would love to be a human on the wall at that convention.


  3. I’ve already scheduled an appointment with Maaco. They asked what happened. I told them it didn’t happen yet, but it would.
    It would…


  4. LOL, thank you for the laughs. Watching other people crash and burn cheers me up immensely.

    I loved the wedding crasher, bowling his way into matrimony. Also, when signs fight back, was hilarious. I have that problem too, you try to beat up an inanimate object and it starts fighting back, until it eventually wins. What’s with that??


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