In case you missed Bitterness as much as you missed the Government(ie not at all)

Whether you missed anything on the blog on purpose or because you are lazy and just didn’t feel like it, you may have missed all or some of the bitter things that were posted on here this week.  For my inconvenience and your convenience, I am bitterly recapping all the crap stuff that happened both bitter and uninteresting in one place.

I blogged.  I complained about people that had Realistic Expectations of Houses because why would you only want a house that you could afford and only has enough room for you?

Then, because because work doesn’t make me bitter enough, I complained about some of the huge dramas that happened at work.  I gave suggestions about Surviving Work Disasters.  There are no bigger disasters in our world than the things that happen to us at work.

And finally, yesterday, I featured a country in our world that has a government that actually worked last week(I think). I honored their bitterness by finding bitter pictures from the internet and commenting on them in Canadian Friday Picture Bitterness.  A bitter Thanksgiving to you next week, Canadians!

There were Bitter Tweets Twitted.

People commented bitterly.

“Funny :) I like Canada. I think I’ll move there, right above where you live, and sling shot rocks in your general direction all day!” Amanda

“We had a great drama at our office the other day when SOMEONE over-watered the orchid at the front desk, resulting in its untimely demise. The (crazy cat) lady tasked with taking care of the orchid sent out a highly passive aggressive e-mail to the entire office warning us that sh*t would GO DOWN if anyone tried to mess with her precious plants again.” – BreezyK

“I almost called in the SWAT team this morning because someone came into the kitchen to get a glass of water at the same time as me, and we only have ONE water dispenser. I ultimately decided to just go back to my desk and wait until after lunch.” Katie

“Honestly, could you really expect this sweet couple to live without Mediterranean tile and a 6 burner, commercial grade oven? You’re a monster!” – Kerry’s Organized Chaos

“You missed Canadian Ted Cruz.” – Mhasegawa

My response: “There is one? Does he read Green Eggs and Canadian Bacon?”


And there were pictures.


This shirt fits me to a tee.

This shirt fits me to a tee.


And imagine my bitter luck when I found this one for my daughter...

And imagine my bitter luck when I found this one for my daughter…


...and this one for my son.

…and this one for my son.

It has been an unbelievably bitter week.  May your weekend be as bitter as your week has been.


Bitter Missing Ben

136 thoughts on “In case you missed Bitterness as much as you missed the Government(ie not at all)

  1. Pingback: In case you missed it…It was a lazy week | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Pingback: Friday Thankless Giving Pictures | Ben's Bitter Blog

  3. Pingback: Bitter Management | Ben's Bitter Blog

  4. Pingback: If you missed bitterness this week, your aim was a little off | Ben's Bitter Blog

  5. Pingback: In case you got lost on the internet highway and didn’t find your way to Bitter Street.. | Ben's Bitter Blog

  6. Pingback: Bitter Stuff You’re Glad you missed… | Ben's Bitter Blog

  7. I stumbled on your blog by accident, and OH MY, am I glad I did. I’ve often been accused by people who don’t know me as being very biter, which of course I am, in addition to be caustic, cynical and sarcastic…. What was I talking about? Oh, it doesn’t matter, life is meaningless anyway.

    The point I was trying to make was this: Great blog. It’s bitter. I like that.


    • First, let me be the first to say I’m sorry you stumbled here on accident. I feel really bad. On the other hand, it is nice to know that there are people out there that are also bitter and caustic, cynical and sarcastic. I know what at least one of those things mean.

      Feel free to stop by whenever you are feeling bitter or when you are not and need to get bitter. Or all the time. I am okay with being blog stalked.


  8. Pingback: Early Friday Halloween Picture Bitterness | Ben's Bitter Blog

  9. Pingback: Bitter Bacon Ben | Ben's Bitter Blog

  10. Wow, I’m bummed I missed this one when you posted it! It was for the second reason, I was lazy. I barely made my Tuesday post yesterday, I was so lazy. Anyhoo, (isn’t anyhoo the stupidest word?) I think it’s pretty friggin’ funny and I feel sad that you made your kids where those t-shirts.


  11. there’s no traffic in d.c. when the government shuts down. there’s no work for cab drivers. there’s no one there anyway in nov, dec or jan. they all go on vacations fro months…no traffic. you can park anywhere you want. no one in your building. it’s so nice.


  12. Work and job are such primal terms and the people at those places are uncivilized, thus causing and perpetuating drama of their own imaginings.


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