In case you missed being bitter all week…

I know most of the people out there had happy weeks and nothing bad happened on either the world or in their personal lives. For those of you that did have perfect weeks and have nothing to complain about, this post is for you to read so you can find something, anything to be bitter about.  And for those of you who are bitter about anything or everything, this is for you too.  You are welcome everyone in the world.

Here is a recap of all the bitter you missed.  Or didn’t.

The Bitter 5K.  Running does nothing for you especially for a superlong run like a 5K.  Do you realize that a 5K is like way longer than a mile?  I think…

The Bitter Failure of Sports. Do you think I had sports on the brain this week?  What is wrong with me?  The only sport I do anymore is channel surfing and I don’t even have a board.

Friday Pictures Bitterness. Then of course Friday came along, like it does some weeks…and totally unpredictably I did a post about Fridays, Pictures, and Bitterness. Weird.  I’m not predictable at all.

I tweeted as well:

And other people commented on my posts, the bitterest of which were:

Sometimes I do wonder why I care about sports. And then I just think “What else am I gonna care about?” – The Cutter

Beside the fact that I don’t have a clue what 5K’s are, you shouldn’t have to grapple with running at all! What about this: I draw you a wheelchair and you come around for a stroll and I cart you a little ;-) squeak squeak.  Tutti

All we will need is your $1000 entry fee and you can start by running from your house to California. Once you get there, catch a plane up to Seattle and I will give you instructions at the airport to my house, where I will then have you turn around, go home and run 5K from your house and that will be your race. You’re welcome. – Bitter Ben

I hate running too. I have to chase my chickens around the yard because they are occasionally too stupid to load up into the hen house. The ‘occasionally’ leads me to believe they do it on purpose to watch me run. It’s a bitter thing to find a flock of chickens deaking and dodging around the yard snickering. – Laura Lynn

What are you? The social activities director for the lower echelons of hades?
p.s. don’t forget to take away all Ipads etc. from the socialites as they’re wandering through the corn maze, or their friends will tell them how to get out.  sisternan

And how about a few bitter pictures from the week and ones that I didn’t have space for?

And we get paid millions to fail!

And we get paid millions to fail!




So in case you missed it…or didn’t…have a bitter rest of the week…until next time I make you bitter.


Bitter Missing Ben

47 thoughts on “In case you missed being bitter all week…

  1. Pingback: In case you got lost on the internet highway and didn’t find your way to Bitter Street.. | Ben's Bitter Blog

  2. Pingback: In case you missed Bitterness as much as you missed the Government(ie not at all) | Ben's Bitter Blog

  3. Pingback: From the BitterBenzoac Era to the Bitter Twitter Era | Ben's Bitter Blog

  4. Pingback: Bitter Review of the Summer | Ben's Bitter Blog

  5. You mentioned my comment! I’m FAMOUS! Now I have to worry about fame. Thanks for nothing Ben.
    (I’m going to eat ice cream-no fat, sugar free, horrible soy ice cream because now I have to watch my figure)


  6. Hey BB, thanks for the recap. I doubt I missed much, except for your Tweets, even though I’m probably following you. But frankly, Twitter uses too much of my brain trying to figure out Twitter’s use in this universe, ergo I avoid it at costs.


  7. I’m bitter about the fact that even though I couldn’t come up with a pun for my pirate post on Talk Like a Pirate day, I ALSO didn’t even GET my husband’s facebook status which he posted the same day:

    “Ahhhhhhhh”–Massachusetts pirate


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